Introducing a New Team Member!

We are excited to welcome a new member to the Konvergent Wealth Partners team, Max Graber! Fresh out of High School, he is filled with a passion for Finance and hungry to gain firsthand experience in the field. With the goal of becoming a successful Financial Planner in mind, Max is determined to become a valuable member of our team.

During High School Max completed the International Baccalaureate program and took multiple AP designated classes. He was an active participant in extracurricular activities serving as the Key Club Chapter President, FCCLA State Officer, and athlete on the Cross-Country team. Outside of school Max developed a strong work ethic through his time spent at the retail store Nordstrom. Over the course of two years, Max worked his way from Order Fulfillment to Shoe Salesperson. In doing so he developed the ability to provide high quality customer service and explored the selling process.

Max’s passion for Finance began at a very young age when his grandfather would take him to Investment Conferences. It was here that he was first introduced to the analytical tools and fundamental chart patterns used every day by industry professionals around the world. After this initial spark of curiosity, he began furthering his learning through online courses and reading books. Not long after, Max had the opportunity to meet someone who would later become his mentor and inspiration for becoming a Financial Planner: Homer Smith.

After extensive research, Max has made the decision to pursue an alternative higher education route. Instead of spending four years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend a traditional brick and mortar college, he will be obtaining a degree through an online program. In addition, he has begun the Test Drive Your Future course which aims to create clear goals for highly motivated young adults.

Max will begin his career as our Client Service Associate/Project Specialist where he will look to channel his previous experience into assisting with our day to day operations and goals for the future. Along the way, he is devoted to gaining experience and deepening his industry knowledge to build the necessary skills to become a Financial Planner.

We look forward to introducing Max to you more formally in the near future!


Market Update - June 8th, 2020


Week of June 1 Market Update Blog